When solving the solution for a large system of linear equations, a good approximate inverse of the coefficient matrix is crucially important in establishing fast convergence rates for iterative algorithms. See the extensive reviews [1, 5, 7, 20]. Here, we are concerned with a $n\times n$ symmetric diagonally dominant matrices $T=(t_{i, j})$ with positive elements, i.e.,
It is easy to show that $T$ must be positive definite. This kind of diagonally dominant nonnegative matrices has received wide attention [6, 8, 10]. In [2, 7, 9], the problems on inverses of nonnegative matrices have been investigated. Markham [13] and Martínez et al. [14] studied the sufficient conditions that the inverses of nonnegative matrices are $M$-matrices. We propose to approximate the inverse of $T$, $T^{-1}$, by the matrix $S=(s_{i, j})$, where
and $t_{..}=\sum\limits_{i, j=1 }^{n}(1-\delta_{i, j}) t_{i, j}$. In a special case that $t_{i, i}=\sum\limits_{j\neq i} t_{i, j}$ for all $i$, Yan and Xu [19] have obtained the upper bound of the approximation errors when using $S$ to approximate the inverse of $T$, which is crucially used to establish the asymptotical normality of an estimated vector in the $\beta$-model for undirected random graphs with a growing number of nodes. In this paper, we derive an explicit upper bound on the approximation error for general cases (1.1).
Let $m:=\min\limits_{1\le i<j\le n} t_{i, j}$, $\Delta_i:= t_{i, i}-\sum\limits_{j\neq i} t_{i, j} $, $M:=\max\{ \max\limits_{1\le i<j\le n} t_{i, j}, \max\limits_{1\le i\le n} \Delta_i\}$, and for a matrix $A=(a_{i, j})$, define $||A||:=\max_{i, j} |a_{i, j}|$. We have the following theorem.
Theorem 2.1 If
\begin{equation} \label{eq:2} \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} \end{equation}
Proof Let $I_n$ be the $n\times n$ identity matrix. Define $F=(f_{ij})=T^{-1}-S$, $V=(v_{ij})=I_n-TS$ and $W=(w_{ij})=SV$. We have the recursion
Note that
Furthermore, when $i\neq j$,
and it is easy to show, when $i, j, k$ are different from each other,
It follows that
Next we use the recursion (2.2) to obtain a bound of the approximate error $||F||$. By (2.2) and (2.3), for any $i$, we have
Thus, to prove Theorem 2.1, it is sufficient to show that $|f_{i, j}|\le C(M, m)/(n-1)^2$ for any $i, j$. Fixing any $i$, let $f_{i, \alpha}=\max\limits_{1\le k\le n}f_{i, k}$ and $f_{i, \beta}=\min\limits_{1\le k\le n} f_{i, k}$.
First, we will show that $f_{i, \beta}\le 1/t_{..}\le 1/(m(n-1)^2)$. A direct calculation gives that
Thus, $f_{i, \beta} \sum\limits_{k=1}^n t_{k, i} \le \sum\limits_{k=1}^n f_{i, k}t_{k, i} = \sum\limits_{k=1}^n \frac{t_{k, i}}{t_{..}}$. It follows that $f_{i, \beta}\le 1/t_{..}$ and, similarly, $f_{i, \alpha}\ge 1/t_{..}$.
Note that $(1-\Delta_\alpha/t_{\alpha, \alpha}) f_{i, \beta}=-\sum\limits_{k=1}^n f_{i, \beta}(\delta_{k, \alpha}-1)\frac{t_{k, \alpha}}{t_{\alpha, \alpha}}$. Thus,
Similarly, by $(1-\Delta_\beta/t_{\beta, \beta}) f_{i, \beta}=-\sum\limits_{k=1}^n f_{i, \beta}(\delta_{k, \beta}-1)\frac{t_{k, \beta}}{t_{\beta, \beta}}$, we have that
Combining the above two equations, it yields
Let $\Omega=\{k:(1-\delta_{k, \beta})t_{k, \beta}/t_{\beta, \beta} \ge (1-\delta_{k, \alpha})t_{k, \alpha}/t_{\alpha, \alpha} \}$ and let $|\Omega|=\lambda$. Note that $1\le \lambda \le n-1$. Then,
There are two cases to consider the maximum of $f(\lambda)$ in the range of $\lambda\in [1, n-1]$.
Case Ⅰ When $M=m$, it is easy to show $f(\lambda)=1/(n-1)$.
Case Ⅱ If $M\neq m$, since
$f(\lambda)$ takes its maximum at $\lambda=n/2$ when $1\le \lambda\le n-1$. A direct calculation gives that
Moreover, denote
$g^\prime(\lambda)>0$ when $1\le\lambda\le n-1$ such that for $1\le\lambda\le n-1$,
By (2.12) and (2.13), we have
where $I(\cdot)$ is an indictor function. Since $ f_{i, \alpha}-f_{i, \beta}+\frac{1}{t_{..}} \ge |f_{i, \beta}| $, we have
Combining (2.10), (2.11), (2.14) and (2.15), it yields
so that
where $C(m, M)$ is defined in (2.1). Consequently, if the condition (2.1) holds, then
where the first inequality holds by $\max_j |f_{i, j}|\le f_{i, \alpha}-f_{i, \beta}+f_{i, \beta}I(f_{i, \beta}>0)$ and $0\le f_{i, \beta}I(f_{i, \beta}>0)\le 1/t_{..}$. This completes the proof.
Remark If $M$ and $m$ are constants, $C(m, M)\approx 2m/(M+m) $ when $n$ is large enough. Therefore the condition (2.1) is very week.
Our proposed matrices $S$ could be used as preconditioners for solving linear systems with diagonally dominant and non-negative matrices just as [18, 20] concerned with $M$-matrices. The bound on the approximation error in Theorem 2.1 depends on $m$, $M$ and $n$. When $m$ and $M$ are bounded by a constant, all the elements of $T^{-1}-S$ are of order $O(1/(n-1)^2)$ as $n\to\infty$, uniformly.
Finally, we illustrate by an example that the bound on the approximation error in Theorem 2.1 is optimal in the sense that any bound in the form of $C(m, M)/f(n)$ requires $f(n)=O((n-1)^2)$ as $n\to\infty$. Assume that the matrix $T$ consists of the elements: $t_{i, i}=(n-1)M, i=1, \cdots, n-1; t_{n, n}=(n-1)m$ and $t_{i, j}=m, i, j=1, \cdots, n; i\neq j$, which satisfies (1.1). By the Sherman-Morrison formula, we have
In this case, the elements of $S$ are
It is easy to show that the bound of $||T^{-1}-S||$ is $O( \frac{1}{(n-1)^2m} )$. This suggests that the rate $1/(n-1)^2$ is optimal. On the other hand, if $M$ and $m$ are constants, the upper bound of $||T^{-1}-S||$ approximately equal to $(1+\frac{M}{m})\frac{M}{2(n-1)^2m^2}$. Therefore there is a gap between these two bounds that implies there might be space for improvement. It is interesting to see if the bounds in Theorem 2.1 can be further relaxed.
The authors thank Professor Qin Hong and Dr. Yan Ting in Central China Normal University for viewing this paper and helpful comments. This research was partially supported by the NNSF of China (No. 11271147).