The problem of the Drazin inverse was discussed widely in [1-12]. The Drazin inverse was used to be applied in sigular differential difference equations, Markov chains and numerical analysis in [1-3]. The Drazin inverse of the modified matrices was studied by many people [4-6], as a modified matrix can be seen as the sum of two matrices or a matrix added a perturbed element. In [4], Wei Yiming gave the expression for the Drazin inverse of $A-CB$; Liu Xifu weakened the condition of [4] and gave another expression in [5]; the Drazin inverse of $A-CD^{D}B$ was given in [6]. In this paper, we weaken the conditions of [4-5] and give different results.
Definition 2.1 Let $\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ denote the set of $n\times n$ complex matrices. The Drazin inverse of $A\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ is the unique matrix $A^{D}$ satisfying the relations:
where $k$ is the smallest non-negative integer such that rank$(A^{k})=$rank$(A^{k+1}),$ i.e., $k=$ind$(A)$, the index of $A$. The case when ind$(A)=1$, the Drazin inverse is called the group inverse of $A$ and it is denoted by $A^{\#}$. We denote by $A^{\pi }$ corresponding to the eigenvalue $0$ that is given by $A^{\pi }=I-AA^{D}$.
Lemma 2.2 [4] Suppose $P=0$, $Q=0$ and $C(I-ZZ^{D})B=0$. Then
where denote $K=A^{D}C$, $H=BA^{D}$, $Z=I-BA^{D}C$, $P=(I-AA^{D})C$ and $Q=B(I-A^{D}A)$.
Lemma 2.3 [5] Let $A$ be an idempotent matrix, suppose $P=0$, ind$(Z)=k$, then
where denote $K=AC$, $H=BA$, $Z=I-BAC$, $P=(I-A)C$ and $Q=B(I-A)$, especially, $Z=I-BC$ at here.
Lemma 2.4 [6] Let $A,B,C$ and $D$ be complex matrices, where ind$(A)=k$. If $A^{\pi}C=0$, $CZ^{\pi}=0$, $Z^{\pi}B=0$, $CD^{\pi}=0$ and $D^{\pi}B=0$, then
where denote the schur complement $Z=D-BA^{D}C$, furthermore, ind$(A-CD^{D}B)\leq$ ind$(A)$.
First, we definite some notation similar to the reference [4]. Let
Theorem 3.1 Let $A,B$ and $C$ be complex matrices, where ind$(A)=k$. If $A^{\pi}C=0$ and $CZ^{\pi}B=0$, then
furthermore, ind$(A-CB)\leq {\rm ind}(A)$.
Proof Let $X=A^{D}+KZ^{D}H-\sum\limits^{k-1}\limits_{i=0}(A^{D}+KZ^{D}H)^{i+1}KZ^{D}BA^{i}A^{\pi}$. Then,
At the same time, we get
From (3.4) and (3.5) it follows that $(A-CB)X=X(A-CB)$.
Now, using (3.5) and $A^{\pi}X=0$, we obtain
i.e., $X(A-CB)X=X$.
Finally, we will prove that $(A-CB)-(A-CB)^{2}X$ is a nilpotent matrix. Using $A^{\pi}C=0,CZ^{\pi}B=0$, and expressions (3.4) conveniently, it can be proved that
by induction on integer $j\geq1$, we have
Then we get
where $k={\rm ind}(A)$. Therefore, we get $(A-CB)^{k+1}X=(A-CB)^{k}$ and ${\rm ind}(A-CB)\leq {\rm ind}(A)$. The theorem is proved completely.
Corollary 3.2 Let $A,B$ and $C$ be complex matrices, where ind$(A)=k$. If $BA^{\pi}=0$ and $CZ^{\pi}B=0$, then
furthermore, ind$(A-CB)\leq$ ind$(A)$.
Proof The proof is similar to Theorem 3.1.
In the reference [5], it was discussed the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix $A-CB$, where $A$ is an idempotent matrix (Lemma 2.3). In this paper we will consider the consequence when $A$ is a $k$-idempotent matrix.
When $A$ is a $k$-idempotent matrix, we can easily proof $A^{D}=A^{k-2}$. Then, we can change notations (3.1) and (3.2) to be
Theorem 3.3 Let $A$ be a $k$-idempotent matrix, suppose $AC=C$, ind$(Z)=k$, then
Corollary 3.4 Let $A$ be a $k$-idempotent matrix, suppose $BA=B$, ind$(Z)=k$, then
Theorem 3.5 Let $A$, $B$, $C$ be diagonalizable. Suppose $A$, $B$, $C$ commute,
and $\sigma(A) \cap \sigma(BC) = \varnothing$, then
where $\sigma(A)$ is the eigenvalues of $A$.
Proof Because $A$, $B$ and $C$ are diagonalizable and they can commute, there is a nonsingular matrix $S$ such that $S^{-1}AS$, $S^{-1}BS$, $S^{-1}CS$ are diagonal. We denote
where each of matrices $\Lambda _1$, $\Lambda _2$ and $\Lambda _3$ is full rank diagonal and its diagonal line elements are eigenvalues. Their rank is equal to $A$. Then
as $\sigma(A) \cap \sigma(BC) = \varnothing$, $\Lambda _1-\Lambda _3\Lambda _2$ is nonsingular. At he same time, we have
so we have $(A-CB)^{D}=A^{D}+A^{D}C(I-BA^{D}C)^{D}BA^{D}$.