Denote by $ \mathcal{A}_{m}(m\in\mathbb{N}) $ the class of multivalently analytic functions $ f $ which are expanded with the Taylor-Maclaurin's series
in the open unit disk $ \mathbb{U}=\{z\in\mathbb{C}: \mid z\mid < 1\} $, where $ \mathcal{A}_{1}=\mathcal{A} $ is univalent analytic function class, and by $ \Lambda $ the class of Schwarz functions $ \omega $ with $ \omega(0)=0 $ and $ \mid \omega(z)\mid < 1 $ for $ z\in\mathbb{U} $. For two analytic functions $ F $ and $ G $ in $ \mathbb{U} $, if there has a Schwarz function $ \omega\in\Lambda $ such that $ F(z)=G(\omega(z)) $, then $ F $ is subordinate to $ G $ in $ \mathbb{U} $, i.e. $ F\prec G $. In addition, if $ G $ is univalent in $ \mathbb{U} $, then the following equivalence ([1, 2])
holds true. Besides, if $ \omega(z)=z $, then $ F $ is majorized by $ G $ in $ \mathbb{U} $, i.e. $ F\leq G $.
The theory of quantum calculus known as $ q $-calculus is equivalent to traditional infinitesimal calculus without the notion of limits. The $ q $-calculus, was started by Euler and Jacobi, found many interesting applications in various areas of mathematics, physics and engineering sciences. On a recent investigation done by Sahai and Yadav in the theory of special functions by [3], quantum calculus based on two parameters $ (p, q) $ was quoted. Indeed generalization of $ q $-calculus is the post quantum calculus, denoted $ (p, q) $-calculus. The $ (p, q) $-integer was introduced in order to give a generalization or to unify several forms of $ q $-oscillator algebras, well known in the earlier physics literature related to the representation theory of single parameter quantum algebras [4]. Throughout this article, we will use basic notations and definitions of the $ (p, q) $- calculus as follows: Let $ p > 0, q > 0 $. For any non-negative integer $ n $, the $ (p, q) $-integer number $ n $, denoted by $ [n]_{p, q} $, is defined as
The twin-basic number is a natural generalization of the $ q $-number, that is $ {\left[n \right]_q} = \frac{{1- {q^n}}}{{1 - q}} $ $ (q \neq 1). $ Similarly, the $ (p, q) $-differential operator of a function $ f $, analytic in $ |z| < 1 $, is defined by
One can easily show that $ \mathcal{D}_{p, q} f(z)\rightarrow f'(z) $ as $ p \rightarrow 1^{-} $ and $ q \rightarrow 1^{-} $. Since we cannot obtain $ (p, q) $-integers just by replacing $ q $ by $ q/p $ in the definition of $ q $-integers, it is clear that $ q $-integers and $ (p, q) $-integers differs. However, the definition (1.2) reduces to quantum calculus for the case $ p=1 $. Thus, we can say that $ (p, q) $-calculus can be taken as a generalization of q-calculus. The $ (p, q) $-factorial is defined by $ [0]_{p, q}! = 1, \quad [n]_{p, q}! = \prod\limits_{k=1}^{n}[k]_{p, q}! \quad (n \geq 1). $ Note that for $ p \rightarrow 1^{-} $, the $ (p, q) $ - factorial reduces to the $ q $ - factorial. Also, clearly $ \lim_{p \rightarrow 1^-}\lim_{q \rightarrow 1^-}[n]_{p, q} = n, $ and $ \lim_{p \to\ 1^{-}}\lim_{q \to\ 1^{-}}[n]_{p, q}! = n!. $ For details on $ q $-calculus and $ (p, q) $-calculus, one can refer to [4, 5] and [3].
For $ f\in\mathcal{A}_{m} $, define the $ (p, q) $-derivative or the $ q $-difference $ \mathcal{D}_{p, q}f(z) $ by
where the $ (p, q) $-derivative operator $ \mathcal{D}_{p, q}f(z) $ of $ f $ is defined by(1.3).
Recall in [6] that a limacon function $ \vartheta: \mathbb{U}\rightarrow \mathbb{C} $ is defined by
whose image is of the bean shape(see FIG. 1), that is to say, the interior of
With the development of quantum mechanics, the $ q $-calculus [7, 8] and $ (p, q) $-calculus [4], which are two generalizations of the ordinary calculus without the limit symbol, have been applied into many mathematical, physical and engineering fields (refer to [9] and [10]). Since the seminal paper of Ismail et al. [11], there has a great deal of work to generalize the analytic functions in $ q $-analysis and $ (p, q) $-analysis; referring to Srivastava's review paper [12] and [13-26]. For the multivalent analytic functions in $ q $-calculus sense, we also find some related advances in [25, 27-29]. In the article, we intend to probe this object by subordinating to a limacon [6] but not the Lemniscate of Bernoulli [30]. Specially, we introduce and study certain new subclass of analytic and multivalent Bazilevč functions related with $ (p, q) $-derivative operator and a limacon, and consider the corresponding estimates of the coefficients $ a_{m+1} $ and $ a_{m+2} $ as well as Fekete-Szegö functional inequalities. Meanwhile, the consequences and connections to all our results would also be pointed out.
Now, by making use of unified subordination technique by Ma-Mind[31] and $ (p, q) $-calculus sense, we define the following subclass of multivalent Bazilevič functions associated with a limacon function.
Definition 1.1 A function $ f\in\mathcal{A}_{m} $ is said to be in the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $ if the following subordination
holds for $ z\in\mathbb{U} $, where $ \delta > 0 $ and $ \lambda\in\mathbb{C} $.
Remark 1.2 In term of Definition 1.1, by choosing some special parameters, we get the following reduced versions:
● $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, 1)\equiv\mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda) $ and $ \mathcal{B}^{1, 1}_{LC}(m, \lambda)\equiv\mathcal{B}_{LC}(m, \lambda) $;
● $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, 1, \delta)\equiv\mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \delta) $ and $ \mathcal{B}^{1, 1}_{LC}(m, \delta)\equiv\mathcal{B}_{LC}(m, \delta) $;
● $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, 1, 0)\equiv\mathcal{S}^{p, q}_{LC}(m) $ and $ \mathcal{S}^{1, 1}_{LC}(m)\equiv\mathcal{S}_{LC}(m) $;
● $ \lim_{p, q\rightarrow1_{-}}\mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) \equiv\mathcal{B}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $ and $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(1, \lambda, \delta) \equiv\mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(\lambda, \delta). $
Remark 1.3 A function $ g $ belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}_{LC}(1, 1, 0) $ if and only if there exists an analytic function $ q \prec \vartheta(z) $ such that
The above intergral representation provides many examples of functions of the class $ \mathcal{B}_{LC}(1, 1, 0) $. Let $ q(t)=\vartheta(t^{n}) $, for $ n=1, 2, \cdot\cdot\cdot $, and $ t\in\mathbb{U} $. With with a simple calculation, we see that the function(see FIG. 2)
is an extreme function for the class $ \mathcal{B}_{LC}(1, 1, 0) $.
Denote by $ \mathcal{P} $ the class of all analytic and univalent functions $ \ell(z) $ with
satisfying $ \Re\; [\ell(z)] > 0 $ and $ \ell(0)=1 $. To proceed our results, we have to be ready for some indispensable Lemmas below.
Lemma 1.4 [See [32, 33]] Let $ \ell(z)\in\mathcal{P} $. Then the sharp estimates
are true. In Particular, the equality holds for all $ n $ for the following function
Lemma 1.5 [See [31]] If $ \ell(z)\in\mathcal{P} $, then, for any complex $ \mu $,
and the result is sharp for the functions
Lemma 1.6 [See [31]] Assume that the function $ \ell(z)\in\mathcal{P} $ and $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $. Then
For $ \mu < 0 $ or $ \mu > 1 $, the inequality holds literally if and only if $ \ell(z)=\frac{1+z}{1-z} $ or one of its rotations. If $ 0 < \mu < 1 $, the inequality holds literally if and only if $ \ell(z)=\frac{1+z^{2}}{1-z^{2}} $ or one of its rotations. In Particular, if $ \mu=0 $, then the sharp result holds for the following function
or one of its rotations. If $ \mu=1 $, then the sharp result holds for the following function
or one of its rotations. If $ 0 < \mu < 1 $, then the upper bound is sharp as the followings
Denote the function $ h\in\mathcal{P} $ by $ h(z)=\frac{1+u(z)}{1-u(z)}=1+\sum\limits^{\infty}_{n=1}c_{n}z^{n}. $ Then, from (1.8) we derive that
so that $ u(z)\in\Lambda $. By (1.5) and (2.1), we imply that
To begin with, we deal with the functional estimates for the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $ and establish the next theorems for the coefficient bounds and the corresponding Feteke-Szegö problems.
Theorem 2.1 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $, then
Proof. Assume that $ f(z)\in\mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $. Then, there exists a Schwarz function $ u(z)\in\Lambda $ so that
for $ f\in\mathcal{A}_{m}(m\in\mathbb{N}) $, combing (2.5) and (2.6) with (2.2) we get that
such that
In view of Lemma 1.4 we imply that Theorem 2.1 holds true.
By taking $ m=1 $ or $ \lambda=1 $ or $ \lambda=1, \delta=0 $ in Theorem 2.1, we deduce the corollaries below.
Corollary 2.2 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(\lambda, \delta) $, then
Corollary 2.3 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \delta) $, then
Corollary 2.4 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{S}^{p, q}_{LC}(m) $, then
Theorem 2.5 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $, then
holds for $ \mu\in\mathbb{C} $, where
Proof For $ \mu\in\mathbb{C} $, by using (2.7) and (2.8), we infer that
Then, we apply Lemma 1.5 into the equality (2.10) and show that Theorem 2.5 holds true.
Similarly, by fixing $ \mu=0 $ or $ m=1 $, or $ \lambda=1 $, or $ \lambda=1 $, $ \delta=0 $ in Theorem 2.5, we obtain the next corollaries as follows.
Corollary 2.6 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $, then
Corollary 2.7 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(\lambda, \delta) $, then
Corollary 2.8 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \delta) $, then
Corollary 2.9 If $ f(z) $ given by (1.1) belongs to the class $ \mathcal{S}^{p, q}_{LC}(m) $, then
If we let $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $ and $ \lambda\in\mathbb{R}_{+} $, then we are based on the proof of Theorem 2.5 and Lemma 1.6 to establish the Fekete-Szegö functional inequality for $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $.
Theorem 2.10 For $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $ and $ \lambda\in\mathbb{R} $, if $ f(z)\in\mathcal{A}_{m} $ belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \lambda, \delta) $, then
where $ \hbar $ is the same as in Theorem 2.5, and
In addition, we take
Then, each of the following inequalities holds:
(A) For $ \mu\in[\Xi_{1}, \Xi_{3}] $,
(B) For $ \mu\in[\Xi_{3}, \Xi_{2}] $,
Similarly, by letting $ m=1 $, or $ \lambda=1 $, or $ \lambda=1 $, $ \delta=0 $ in Theorem 2.10, we provide the following corollaries.
Corollary 2.11 For $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $ and $ \lambda\in\mathbb{R}_{+} $, if $ f(z)\in\mathcal{A} $ belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(\lambda, \delta) $, then
where $ \hbar $ is the same as in Corollary 2.7, and
(A) For $ \mu\in[\Pi_{1}, \Pi_{3}] $,
(B) For $ \mu\in[\Pi_{3}, \Pi_{2}] $,
Corollary 2.12 For $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $, if $ f(z)\in\mathcal{A}_{m} $ belongs to the class $ \mathcal{B}^{p, q}_{LC}(m, \delta) $, then
where $ \hbar $ is the same as in Corollary 2.8, and
(A) For $ \mu\in[\Sigma_{1}, \Sigma_{3}] $,
(B) For $ \mu\in[\Sigma_{3}, \Sigma_{2}] $,
Corollary 2.13 For $ \mu\in\mathbb{R} $, if $ f(z)\in\mathcal{A}_{m} $ belongs to the class $ \mathcal{S}^{p, q}_{LC}(m) $, then
where $ \hbar $ is the same as in Corollary 2.9, and
(A) For $ \mu\in[\Upsilon_{1}, \Upsilon_{3}] $,
(B) For $ \mu\in[\Upsilon_{3}, \Upsilon_{2}] $,
Our objective is to generalize some classical interesting results in geometric function theory from the ordinary analysis to $ q $-analysis or $ (p, q) $-analysis. Here, by using the $ (p, q) $-derivative operator and Bazilevič function, certain new subclass of analytic and multivalent functions can be defined to improve the classical starlike functions and even $ q $-starlike functions. In our main results, for this class we obtain the corresponding bound estimates of the coefficients $ a_{m+1} $ and $ a_{m+2} $ and the Fekete-Szegö functional inequalities. Of course, we may choose another special functions to replace Bazilevič function and the limacon function, which are leaved out the interested readers to realize.