Let $f(z)$ be a function meromorphic in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. We assume that the reader is familiar with the standard notations and results in Nevanlinna's value distribution theory of meromorphic functions (see e.g. [1-3]). We denote the order of $f(z)$ by $\rho(f)$.
As one knows, it was one of the important topics to research the algebraic differential equation of Malmquist type. In 1913, Malmquist [4] gave a result for the first order algebraic differential equations. In 1933, Yosida [5] proved the Malmquist's theorem by using the Nevanlinna theory. In 1970s, Laine [6], Yang [7] and Hille [8] gave a generalization of Malmquist's theorem. Later, Steinmetz [9], Rieth [10] and He-Laine 11] all gave corresponding generalizations of Malmquist's theorem for the first order algebraic differential equations. In 1980, Gackstatter and Laine [12] gave a generalized result of Malmquist's theorem for some certain type of higher order algebraic differential equations. However, Malmquist type theorem for an arbitrary second order algebraic differential equation remains open. For a second order algebraic differential equation
where $R$ is a rational function in $z, f$ and $f', $ a classical and unsolved conjecture is the following.
Conjecture 1.1 (see [3]) If equation (1.1) has a transcendental meromorphic solution, then the equation can be reduced into the form
where $L_{i}(z, f)\ (i=0, 1, 2)$ are rational functions in their variables.
In 2011, Gao, Zhang and Li [13] studied the problem of growth order of solutions of a type of non-linear algebraic differential equations. In 2001, Liao and Yang [14] considered the finite order of growth of the meromorphic solutions of equation (1.2) and obtained the following result.
Theorem A Let $f$ be a meromorphic solution of equation (1.2). Further assume that $L_{2}(z, f) \not\equiv 0$ in equation (1.2) and has the form
where $a_{i}(z), b_{j}(z)\ (s \leq i \leq n, r \leq j \leq m)$ are rational functions. If $m-n < 1 $ or $r-s>1$, then $\rho(f) < \infty$.
Remark The conditions $m-n < 1 $ and $r-s>1$ in Theorem A cannot be omitted simultaneously. Liao and Yang [14] gave a simple example to show it.
The paper is organized into 3 sections. After introduction some basic concepts and lemmas will be given in Section 2. In Section 3, we will give the main results.
Let $D$ be a domain in $\mathbb{C}$. We say that a family $\cal F$ of meromorphic functions in $D$ is normal, if each sequence $\{f_n\}\subset \cal F$ contains a subsequence which converges locally uniformly by spherical distance to a meromorphic function $g(z)$ in $D$ ($g(z)$ is permitted to be identically infinity). In this paper, we denote the spherical derivative of meromorphic function $f(z)$ by $f^{\sharp}(z), $ where
and define
For convenience, we still assume that $L_{2}(z, f)=\frac{P(z, f)}{Q(z, f)}$ and rewrite equation (1.2) into
where $M(z, f)=Q(z, f)L_{1}(z, f), $ $N(z, f)=Q(z, f)L_{0}(z, f), $ $P, Q$ are defined as in Theorem A.
Let $H(z)=\frac{p(z)}{q(z)}$ be a rational function, where $p(z)$ and $q(z)$ are irreducible polynomials in $z$. Define the degree at infinity of $H(z)$ by
We denote the largest number of the degrees at infinity of all the rational function coefficients in variable $z$ concerning $L(z, f)$ by $\deg_{z, \infty} L(z, f)$. Denoting
where $P(z, f), Q(z, f)$ are two polynomials in $f$ with rational function coefficients, $M(z, f)$ and $N(z, f)$ are rational functions in variable $z$ and $f$.
The following lemmas will be needed in the proof of our results. Lemma 2.1 is a result of Zalcman concerning normal families.
Lemma 2.1 (see [15]) Let $\cal F$ be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disc, $\alpha$ is a real number. Then $\cal F$ is not normal on the unit disc if and only if there exist, for each $-1<\alpha<1$,
a) $a$ number $r$, $0<r<1;$
b) $a$ sequence points $\{w_k\}, $ $|w_k|<r;$
c) $a$ sequence $\{f_k \}_{k\in N}\subset \cal F;$
d) $a$ positive sequence $\{\rho_k\}, $ $\rho_k\rightarrow 0$
such that $g_k(\zeta):=\rho_k^{\alpha}f_k(w_k+\rho_k\zeta)$ converges locally uniformly to a nonconstant meromorphic function $g(\zeta)$. In particular, we may choose $w_k$ and $\rho_k$ properly such that
The next lemma is a generalization of the Lemma 2 in [16] of Yuan et al.
Lemma 2.2 Let $f(z)$ be meromorphic in the complex plane, $\rho:=\rho (f)>2$, then for any positive constants $ \varepsilon > 0 $ and $ 0<\lambda<(\frac{\rho -2}{2})\varepsilon, $ there exist points $z_k\rightarrow \infty(k\rightarrow \infty), $ such that
Proof Suppose that the conclusion of Lemma 2.2 is not true, then there exist a positive number $M>0$, such that for arbitrary $z\in \mathbb{C}$, we have
By (2.2) we can get
Thus we obtain an estimation of Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function
Therefore, the order of $f(z)$ can be estimated as $\rho \leq 2+\frac{2\lambda}{\varepsilon}$, namely, $\lambda \geq (\frac{\rho -2}{2})\varepsilon$. This is a contradiction with the choice of $\lambda$.
Lemma 2.3 (see [17]) Let $f(z)$ be holomorphic in the complex plane, $\sigma > -1$. If $ f^{\sharp}(z)=O(r^{\sigma}), $ then $ T(r, f)=O(r^{\sigma+1}). $
The result of Lemma 2.4 is more sharper than Lemma 2.2 when $f(z)$ is an entire function.
Lemma 2.4 Let $f(z)$ be holomorphic in the complex plane, $\rho:=\rho (f)>1$, then for any positive constants $ \varepsilon > 0 $ and $ 0<\lambda<(\rho -1)\varepsilon, $ there exist points $z_k\rightarrow \infty, $ as $k\rightarrow \infty, $ such that
Proof Suppose that the conclusion of Lemma 2.4 is not true, then there exist a positive number $M>0$, such that for arbitrary $z\in \mathbb{C}$, we have $ (f^{\sharp}(z))^{\varepsilon}\leq M|z|^{\lambda}, $ namely, $ f^{\sharp}(z)=O(r^{\frac{\lambda}{\varepsilon}}). $ By Lemma 2.3, we have
Therefore the order of $f(z)$ can be estimated as $\rho \leq 1+\frac{\lambda}{\varepsilon}$, namely, $\lambda \geq (\rho -1)\varepsilon$. This is a contradiction with the choice of $\lambda$.
We are now giving our main results as follows.
Theorem 3.1 Let $f$ be a meromorphic solution of equation (2.1). Further assume that $\frac{P(z, f)}{Q(z, f)}\not\equiv 0$ in equation (2.1), $M(z, f)\not\equiv 0, N(z, f)\not\equiv 0$ are birational functions and have following forms
where $c_{j_{1}}(z)\ (t_{1}\leq j_{1}\leq q_{1}), d_{j_{2}}(z)\ (t_{2}\leq j_{2}\leq q_{2}), e_{j_{3}}(z)\ (t_{3}\leq j_{3}\leq q_{3})$ and $u_{j_{4}}(z)\ (t_{4}\leq j_{4}\leq q_{4})$ are rational functions, $c_{t_{1}}(z) \not\equiv 0$, $d_{t_{2}}(z)\not\equiv 0$, $e_{t_{3}}(z)\not\equiv 0$ and $u_{t_{4}}(z)\not\equiv 0, $ then
where $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|q_{1}-q_{2}-n|}, \frac{2}{|q_{3}-q_{4}-n-1|}, 1\}$ when $m-n <1 $ and $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|1+s+t_{2}-t_{1}|}, $ $\frac{2}{|2+s+t_{4}-t_{3}|}, 1\}$ when $r-s > 1$.
Proof We assume that $f$ is a meromorphic solution of equation (2.1). Next we discuss into two cases.
Case 1 $m-n<1$. We choose $\alpha$ such that $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|q_{1}-q_{2}-n|}, $ $\frac{2}{|q_{3}-q_{4}-n-1|}, 1\}$ and assume that
By Lemma 2.2 we know that for $\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha}$ and $ 0<\lambda<(\frac{\rho -2}{2})\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha}, $ there exist points $z_k\rightarrow \infty, $ as $k\rightarrow \infty, $ such that
This implies that the family $\{f(z_k+z)\}_{k\in\mathrm{N}}$ is not normal at $z=0$. Then by Lemma 2.1, there exist a sequence $\{\beta_{k}\}$ and a positive sequence $\{\rho_k\}$ such that
and $g_k(\zeta):=\rho_{k}^{\alpha}f(\beta_k+\rho_k\zeta)$ converges locally uniformly to a nonconstant meromorphic function $g(\zeta)$. In particular, we may choose $\beta_k$ and $\rho_k$, such that
According to (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3), we can get the following conclusion.
For positive constant $\alpha$ and any constant $0\leq \lambda<(\frac{\rho -2}{2})\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha}$, we have
Substituting $\beta_{k}+\rho_{k}\zeta$ for $z$ in (2.1), we have
Noting $0\leq \deg_{z, \infty} a <(\frac{\rho -2}{2})\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha}$, by (3.4), we have
Multiplying $\rho_{k}^{2(1+\alpha)+n\alpha}\frac{1}{a_{n}(\beta_{k}+\rho_{k}\zeta)}$ on both sides of (3.5), and noting $m-n<1, $ $1+n\alpha+(q_{2}-q_{1})\alpha>0, $ and $2(1+\alpha)+n\alpha+(q_{4}-q_{3})\alpha-\alpha>0, $ we can conclude from this, by letting $k \rightarrow \infty$, $g^{n}g'^{2}\equiv 0.$ Thus $g$ is a constant, which is a contradiction. Therefore we have
Case 2 $r-s>1$. We choose $\alpha$ such that $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|1+s+t_{2}-t_{1}|}, \frac{2}{|2+s+t_{4}-t_{3}|}, 1\}$ and assume that
Then there exist a sequence $\{\beta_{k}\}$ and a positive sequence $\{\rho_{k}\}$ satisfying
such that $h_{k}(\zeta)=\rho_{k}^{-\alpha}f(\beta_k+\rho_k\zeta)$ converges locally uniformly to a nonconstant meromorphic function $h(\zeta)$. By similar argument as in Case 1, we can obtain
Hence $h$ is a constant, which is a contradiction. Thus we have completed the proof of Theorem 3.1.
Similarly, from the proof of Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 2.4, we have
Corollary 3.2 Let $f$ be an entire solution of equation (2.1). Further assume that $\frac{P(z, f)}{Q(z, f)}\not\equiv 0$ in equation (2.1), $M(z, f)\not\equiv 0, N(z, f)\not\equiv 0$ are birational functions and have the forms
where $c_{j_{1}}(z)\ (t_{1}\leq j_{1}\leq q_{1}), d_{j_{2}}(z)\ (t_{2}\leq j_{2}\leq q_{2}), e_{j_{3}}(z)\ (t_{3}\leq j_{3}\leq q_{3})$ and $u_{j_{4}}(z)\ (t_{4}\leq j_{4}\leq q_{4})$ are rational functions, $c_{t_{1}}(z) \not\equiv 0$, $d_{t_{2}}(z)\not\equiv 0$, $e_{t_{3}}(z)\not\equiv 0$, $u_{t_{4}}(z)\not\equiv 0, $ then
where $0 < \alpha < \min \big\{\frac{1}{|q_{1}-q_{2}-n|}, \frac{2}{|q_{3}-q_{4}-n-1|}, 1\big\}$ when $m-n < 1 $ and $0 < \alpha < \min \big\{\frac{1}{|1+s+t_{2}-t_{1}|}, $ $\frac{2}{|2+s+t_{4}-t_{3}|}, 1\big\}$ when $r-s > 1$.
Remark In Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, if $m-n < 1, M(z, f)\equiv 0$ and $N (z, f)\not\equiv 0, $ then for arbitrary $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{2}{|q_{3}-q_{4}-n-1|}, 1\}$, the results of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2 are also true. Similarly, if $m-n < 1, M(z, f)\not\equiv 0$ and $N(z, f)\equiv 0, $ then we may choose any $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|q_{1}-q_{2}-n|}, 1\}$. If $r-s>1, M(z, f)\equiv 0$ and $N (z, f)\not\equiv 0$, then we may choose any $ 0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{2}{|2+s+t_{4}-t_{3}|}, 1\}$. If $r-s>1, M(z, f)\not\equiv 0$ and $N(z, f)\equiv 0$, then we may choose any $0 < \alpha < \min \{\frac{1}{|1+s+t_{2}-t_{1}|}, 1\}$. If $M(z, f)= N(z, f) \equiv 0, $ $m-n < 1$ or $r-s>1$, then we may choose any $0 < \alpha < 1$.
Example There exists the entire function $f(z)= e^{z^{n}} (n\geq1)$ such that it is of order $n$ and satisfies the following second-order differential equation
where $\deg_{z, \infty} a=2(n-1)$ and $0<\alpha<1, $ then the order of any meromorphic solution $f$ of equation $(3.6)$ can be estimated as $\rho(f)\leq 2+\frac{4(1+\alpha)(n-1)}{\alpha}$ and the order of any entire solution $f$ of equation $(3.6)$ can be estimated as $\rho(f)\leq 1+\frac{2(1+\alpha)(n-1)}{\alpha}$ by Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, respectively. In particular, the estimation of growth order of entire solution is sharp when $n=1$.