Hypergeometric functions play important roles in harmonic analysis over pseudo-Rieman nian symmetric spaces. Hyperbolic spaces are examples of pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces. There are a lot of work on hyperbolic spaces such as [3, 4]. Using a geometric method, Faraut obtained a second order differential equation in the explicit case of hyperbolic spaces ${\rm U}(p, q; {\mathbb F})/{\rm U}(1; {\mathbb F})\times{\rm U}(p-1, q; {\mathbb F})$ with ${\mathbb F}={\mathbb R}, {\mathbb C}$ or $\mathbb H$ in [3]. Later in an algebraic way, i.e., through Casimir operator of ${\mathfrak {sl}}(n+1, {\mathbb R})$, van Dijk and Kosters obtained a hypergeometric equation on the pseudo-Riemannian smmetric space ${\rm SL}(n+1, {\mathbb R})/{\rm GL}(n, {\mathbb R})$ in [5].
A natural extension of [3, 5] is harmonic analysis on the sections of vector bundles over pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces. Charchov obtained a hypergeometric equation on the sections of line bundles over complex hyperbolic spaces ${\rm U}(p, q; {\mathbb C})/{\rm U}(1; {\mathbb C})\times{\rm U}(p-1, q; {\mathbb C})$ in his doctor thesis [1]. The differential equation in [1] is the same as the one in [3]. In this paper we will follow the method in [6] to obtain the hypergeometric equation on the sections of line bundles over ${\rm SL}(n+1, {\mathbb R})/{\rm GL}(n, {\mathbb R})$. When the parameter $\lambda$ is zero, our result degenerates to the differential equation in [5]. Our hypergeometric equation will be used to obtaining the Plancherel formula on the sections of the line bundle over ${\rm SL}(n+1, {\mathbb R})/S({\rm GL}(1, {\mathbb R})\times{\rm GL}(n, {\mathbb R}))$ in a future paper.
Let $G={\rm SL}(n+1, {\mathbb R})$ and $H_1={\rm SL}(n, {\mathbb R})$. We imbed $H_1$ in $G$ as usual, i.e., for any $h\in H_1$, $h\mapsto\left(\begin{array}{cc}1& \\ &h \end{array}\right)\in G$. Let $H$ be the subgroup of $G$:
In what follows $^tA$ denotes the transpose of a matrix $A$. Let $X_1$ be the algebraic manifold of
defined by
where $x={^t(}x_0, x_1, \cdots, x_n)$, $y={^t(}y_0, y_1, \cdots, y_n)$, $G$ acts on ${\mathbb R}_*^{n+1}\times{\mathbb R}_*^{n+1}$ by
for any $g\in G$ and any $(x, y)\in{\mathbb R}_*^{n+1}\times{\mathbb R}_*^{n+1}$. With this action, $X_1$ is transitive under $G$. Let $x^0=(e_0, e_0)\in X_1$ where $e_0$ is the first standard unit vector in ${\mathbb R}^{n+1}$, i.e., $e_0={^t(}1, 0, \cdots, 0)$. Then the stabilizer of $x^0$ in $G$ is $H_1$. An elementary proof shows that $X_1\simeq G/H_1$. We also have $X\simeq G/H$ where $X=\{x\in{\rm M}_{n+1}(\mathbb R): {\rm rank}x={\rm tr}x=1\}$, here ${\rm M}_{n+1}(\mathbb R)$ is the space of all real $(n+1)\times(n+1)$ matrices. $G$ acts on ${\rm M}_{n+1}(\mathbb R)$ by conjugation (see [5])
Let ${\mathfrak g}={\mathfrak{sl}}(n+1, {\mathbb R})$ be the Lie algebra of $G$. The Killing form of ${\mathfrak g}$ is $B(X, Y)=2(n+1){\rm tr}XY$ for $X$, $Y\in{\mathfrak g}$. The Killing form induces a measure on $X_1$. With this measure, the Casimir operator $\Omega$ of ${\mathfrak g}$ induces a second order differential operator on $X_1$. We call it the Laplace operator and denote it as $\square_1$.
For $\lambda\in{\mathbb R}$, set $\chi_{0}(t)=t^{\sqrt{-1}\lambda}$, $t\in{\mathbb R}_*$ be a continuous unitary character of ${\mathbb R}_*$. Define a character $\chi_{_\lambda}$ of $H$ as $\chi_{_\lambda}(h)=\chi_{0}(h_0)=h_0^{\sqrt{-1}\lambda}$ for
Let ${\mathcal D}(X_1)$ be the space of complex-valued $C^\infty$-functions on $X_1$ with compact support. The action of $G$ on $X_1$ induces a representation $U$ of $G$ in ${\mathcal D}(X_1)$:
and by inverse transposition a representation $U$ of $G$ in ${\mathcal D}^\prime(X_1)$.
We define
Because $\chi_{_\lambda}=1$ on $H_1$, the above distributions $T$ can be viewed as the bi-$H_1$-invariant distributions on $G$ satisfying $U(h)T=\chi_{_\lambda}(h)^{-1}T, \ h\in H.$
If $\mu\in{\mathbb C}$, define
where $\square_1^\prime$ is the transpose of the Laplace operator $\square_1$.
Definition 2.1 The $\chi_{_\lambda}$-spherical distributions $T$ on $X_1$ are the distributions on $G$ satisfying the following properties
$\bullet T$ is $H_1$-invariant,
$\bullet T(hx)=\chi_{_\lambda}(h)T(x)$, $h\in H$, $x\in X_1$,
$\bullet \square_1^\prime T=\mu T$ for some $\mu\in{\mathbb C}$.
As in [2], we define a mapping $Q_1: X_1\to{\mathbb R}$ by $Q_1(x, y)=x_0y_0$. We take the open subsets $X_1^0=\{(x, y)\in X_1: Q_1(x, y)<1\}$ and $X_1^1=\{(x, y)\in X_1: Q_1(x, y)>0\}$ of $X_1$. There is an averaging mapping ${\mathcal M}_1: f\mapsto{\mathcal M}_1f$ defined by
where $\delta$ is the Dirac measure and $d(x, y)$ is a $G$-invariant measure on $X_1$. Define $\xi: X_1\to{\mathbb R}^2$ by $\xi(x, y)=(\xi_1(x, y), \xi_2(x, y))=(x_0, y_0)$. Then $\chi_{0}\circ\xi_1(x, y)=x_0^{\sqrt{-1}\lambda}$. Let ${\mathcal M}_{1, \sqrt{-1}\lambda}^\prime=(\chi_{0}\circ\xi_1)\cdot{\mathcal M}_1^\prime$ where ${\mathcal M}_1^\prime$ is the adjoint of ${\mathcal M}_1$. Then we have the main theorem of this paper.
Theorem 2.1 There is a second order differential operator $L_\lambda$ on ${\mathbb R}$ such that the following formula holds
We take a basis of ${\mathfrak g}={\mathfrak{sl}}(n+1, {\mathbb R})$ as
where $E_{\alpha\beta}=(\delta_{\alpha\mu}\delta_{\beta\nu})_{\mu\nu}$ is as usual.
On $X_1$ we take the coordinates $\{x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, \cdots, x_{n-1}, y_{n-1}, x_n\}$. Using (2.1), we follow the way in [6] to express $E_{\alpha\beta}$ as differential operators on $X_1$ in terms of the coordinates $\{x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, \cdots, x_{n-1}, y_{n-1}, x_n\}$. The results are
Following [1], let the function $F$ on $X_1$ be the form $F(x, y)=F(x_0, y_0)$. We calculate the action of the Laplace operator $\square_1$ or the Casimir operator $\Omega$ on such functions. Because $F$ depends on $x_0$, $y_0$ only, we take $\Omega$ as
where the `other terms' are the combinations of $E_{kl} (2\le k\ne l\le n+1)$. With the coordinates $\{x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, \cdots, x_{n-1}, y_{n-1}, x_n\}$, using (3.1)-(3.5), we have
Now taking function $F(x_0, y_0)$ with the form $F(x_0, y_0)=x_0^{\sqrt{-1}\lambda}F_0(x_0y_0)$ and $t=x_0y_0$, we obtain
For $f\in{\mathcal D}(X_1)$, $T\in{\mathcal D}'({\mathbb R})$,
Comparing (3.10) and (3.11), we have $\square_1\circ{\mathcal M}_{1, \sqrt{-1}\lambda}^\prime={\mathcal M}_{1, \sqrt{-1}\lambda}^\prime\circ L_{\lambda}.$ This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.