As the study on Riemann submanifolds, the study on Finsler submanifolds is also important and valuable. It is well known that the Finsler submanifolds have the induced Chern connection $D$ and the Chern connection $\nabla$ of the induced Finsler metric. In the Riemann case $D=\nabla$, called Levi-Civita connection. With the help of the Levi-Civita connection, Gauss, Codazzi and Ricci equations are established, which play an important role in studying Riemann submanifolds. Therefore, to study the same problems on Finsler submanifolds is also important and necessary. However, to our knowledge, there were not many researches on this topic (see [1, 2, 6, 7]).
In [1], the author built Gauss and Codazzi equations by the Chern connection $\nabla$ of the induced Finsler metric. The main purpose of this paper is to study Finsler submanifolds via the induced Chern connection $D$. In general $D\neq \nabla$, so the relevant fundamental equations have a bit difference from each other. Naturally, we care for: what are the relations $D$ and $\nabla$? To answer this question, we give the following theorems.
Theorem 1.1 Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold, $\widetilde{\nabla}$ is the Chern connection of $\widetilde{M}$. Then $\nabla=D$ if and only if
where $\widetilde{A}$ and $A$ are the Cartan tensors of $\widetilde{F}$ and $F$, respectively, $X,Y,Z\in\pi^{\ast}TM$ and $e_{n}$ is the distinguished field.
Theorem 1.2 Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. If $M$ is a weakly totally geodesic submanifold of $\widetilde{M}$, then $D=\nabla$.
The paper is organized into 4 sections. After introducing some basic concepts of Finsler geometry in Section 2, we build Gauss, Codazzi and Ricci equations with respect to the induced Chern connection $D$ on Finsler submanifold in Section 3. In Section 4, we discuss some relations between $D$ and $\nabla$.
Let $M$ be an $n$-dimensional smooth manifold. A Finsler metric on $M$ is a function $F: TM\longrightarrow[0,\infty)$ satisfying the following properties:
(i) $F$ is smooth on $TM\backslash{0}$;
(ii) $F(x,\lambda y)=\lambda F(x,y)$ for all $\lambda>0$;
(iii) the induced quadratic form $g$ is positive-definite, where
here and from now on, we will use the following convention of index ranges unless otherwise stated:
The projection $\pi : TM\longrightarrow M $ gives rise to the pull-back bundle $\pi^{\ast}TM$ and its dual $\pi^{\ast}T^{\ast}M$ over $TM\backslash{0}$. In $\pi^{\ast}T^{\ast}M$ there is a global section $\omega=[F]_{y^{i}}dx^{i},$ called the Hilbert form, whose dual is $\ell=\ell^{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{i}},\ell^{i}=\frac{y^{i}}{F}$, called the distinguished field.
Let $(M^{n},F)$ and $(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})$ be the two Finsler manifolds. For an immersion $f: (M^{n},F)\longrightarrow(\widetilde{ M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})$, if $F(x,y)=\widetilde{F}(x,df(y))$ for all $(x,y)\in TM\setminus {0}$, then $f$ is called an isomertric immersion. It is clear that
$g$ (resp. $\tilde{g}$), $A$ (resp. $\tilde{A}$) are the fundamental tensor and the Cartan tensor of $M$ (resp. $\widetilde{M}$), respectively.
The map $f$ admits a lift $\tilde{f}:TM\longrightarrow T\widetilde{M}$ defined by
Let $(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}$ be the orthogonal complement of $\pi^{\ast}TM$ in $\pi^{\ast}(f^{-1}T\widetilde{M})$ with respect to $\tilde{g}$. Then
where $(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}$ is called the normal bundle of $f$.
Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. Take a $\tilde{g}-$orthonormal frame field $\{e_{a}\}$ of $\pi^{\ast}(T\widetilde{M})$ and let $\{\theta^{a}\}$ be a local dual coframe such that $\{e_{i}\}$ is a frame field of $\pi^{\ast}(TM)$ and $e_{n}$ is the distinguish field (See [1]). Denote by $\{\theta^{a}_{b}\}$ the 1-form of the Chern connection $\widetilde{\nabla}$. Set $\omega^{i}=f^{\ast}\theta^{i}$ and $\omega^{i}_{j}=f^{\ast}\theta^{i}_{j}$. Then ${\omega^{i}}$ is the local dual coframe of $\{e_{i}\}$ and $\omega^{i}_{j}$ is the 1-form of the induced connection $D$. It is not difficult to conclude that
The Gauss and Weingarten formulas are written by
where $B$ is the second fundamental form of $M$, $W_{\xi}$ is called Weingarten transformation, $\nabla^{\bot}$ is called normal connection on $(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}$. By simple arguments, we get
Proposition 3.1 $D$, $B$, $W$ and $\nabla^{\bot}$ have the following properties:
(1) $D$ determines a linear torsion-free connection on $\pi^{\ast}(TM)$.
(2) $B:\pi^{\ast}TM\otimes\pi^{\ast}TM\longrightarrow(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}$ is a symmetric bilinear map.
(3) $W_{\xi}:\pi^{\ast}TM\longrightarrow\pi^{\ast}TM$ is a linear map and $W:\pi^{\ast}TM\otimes(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}\longrightarrow\pi^{\ast}TM$ is a bilinear map.
(4) $\nabla^{\bot}$ determines a linear connection on $(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}.$
Let $B(e_{i},e_{j})=B^{\alpha}_{ij}e_{\alpha},W_{e_{\alpha}}e_{i}=W^{\alpha}_{ij}e_{j}$. Then we have
The structure equations of $\widetilde{M}$ are given by
where $\widetilde{R}^{a}_{bcd}$ and $\widetilde{P}^{a}_{bcd}$ are called the first Chern curvature tensors and the second Chern curvature tensors, respectively. Restricting them to $M$ yields
Exterior differentiating $\omega^{\alpha}=0$ gives
By Cartan lemma, we have
On the other hand, from Gauss formula one gets
The curvature 2-forms of the induced Chern connection $D$ are
where $R^{i}_{jkl}$ and $P^{i}_{jk\lambda}$ are the curvature tensors with respect to the induced Chern connection $D$. By using the above formula and (3.2)--(3.4), we have
Therefore, we get the following result.
Theorem 3.2 (the Gauss equations) Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. Then we have
Exterior differentiating $\omega^{\alpha}_{i}=B^{\alpha}_{ij}\omega^{j},$ we have
where "$|$" denotes the horizontal covariant derivative with respect to $D$ and "; " denotes the vertical derivative.
On the other hand, from (3.2)--(3.4) one obtains
Substituting (3.6) into (3.7), we get the following result.
Theorem 3.3 (the Codazzi equations) Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. Then we have
where $R^{\perp\alpha}_{\beta kl},P^{\perp\alpha}_{\beta kc}, Q^{\perp\alpha}_{\beta cd}$ are the normal curvature tensors. Then
On the other hand, from (3.1)--(3.4) we have
From (3.9) and (3.10), we can state the following theorem.
Theorem 3.4 (the Ricci equations) Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. Then we have
Definition 3.1 [2] Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion. Write $H:=\frac{1}{n}{\rm tr}B=\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i\alpha}B^{\alpha}_{ii}e_{\alpha}$, $H$ is called the mean curvature vector field, $M$ is called to be minimal (or totally geodesic) if $H$ (or $B$) vanishes identically, $M$ is called to have flat normal bundle if $\Omega^{\perp\alpha}_{\beta}=0$.
Definition 3.2 [1] A submanifold $(M^{n},F)$ of $(\widetilde{M}^{n+p})$ is said to be weakly totally geodesic if $B(e_{n},e_{n})=0$.
From Theorem 3.4, one obtains
Proposition 3.5 The totally geodesic submanifold in Minkowski space has flat normal bundle.
In the end of this section, we give the Gauss equations on the flag curvature.
Theorem 3.6 Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. Then we have
where $\widetilde{L}_{abc}=-\dot{\widetilde{A}}_{abc}$ is Landsberg curvature.
Proof Setting $j=l=n$ in $(3.5)_{1}$, we obtain
where we have used $\widetilde{P}^{i}_{nk\alpha}=\widetilde{L}_{ik\alpha}.$ So the Gauss equations on the flag curvature can be derived. This finishes the proof.
Lemma 4.1 [1] Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold and $\widetilde{\nabla}$ be the Chern connection of $\widetilde{M}$. If
where $X,Y\in\Gamma(\pi^{\ast}TM),B(X,Y)\in\Gamma(\pi^{\ast}TM)^{\perp}$, then $\nabla$ is the Chern connection of $M$.
In order to illustrate the relationship between $\nabla$ and $D$, we give the following:
Theorem 4.2 Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. $\widetilde{\nabla}$ is the Chern connection of $\widetilde{M}$. Then $\nabla=D$ if and only if
where $\widetilde{A}$ and $A$ are the Cartan tensors of $\widetilde{F}$ and $F$, respectively, $X,Y,Z\in\pi^{\ast}TM$.
Proof Recall that the Gauss formula is
If $\nabla=D$, then from (4.1) and (4.2) one gets
Setting $X=Z$, we have
Substituting $X=U+V$ into (4.3) yields
The sufficient condition is evident from (4.1) and (4.2). This proves Theorem 4.2.
Theorem 4.3 Let $ f:(M^{n},F)\longrightarrow {(\widetilde{M}^{n+p},\widetilde{F})}$ be an isometric immersion from a Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold. If $M$ is a weakly totally geodesic submanifold of $\widetilde{M}$, then $\nabla=D$.
Proof If $M$ is a weakly totally geodesic submanifold, then[1]
So we have
From which one gets
By using $\widetilde{P}^{\alpha}_{nn\gamma}=0$ and ($3.8)_{2}$, we obtain
Therefore, from (4.1) and (4.4), we get
which implies $\nabla=D$ by Theorem 4.2.
From Theorem 3.6, Theorem 4.3 and (4.4), we also obtain the following result which is the main theorem in [1].
Corollary 4.4 If $M^{n}$ is a weakly totally geodesic submanifold of $\widetilde{M}^{n+p}$, then flag curvature of $M^{n}$ equals flag curvature of $\widetilde{M}^{n+p}$.