In recent years,many investigators paid much attention to boundary value problems for complex differential equations in different domains,such as unit disc,half plane,upper unit disc,ring,sector and even high dimension space [2-9]. In [6],the authors studied Schwarz problem in half disc and half ring,and Wang extended boundary conditions,discussing high order Schwarz problem for polyanalytic equation in half unit disc and a triangle [7, 8]. In [9],we also investigated a Schwarz problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation in a sector with angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{\alpha},\ \alpha\geq 1$. In this article,we study a high order Schwarz problem for polyanalytic equation in a general sector with angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{\alpha},\ \alpha\geq1/2$,giving explicit solvability expression.
Let $\Omega$ be a sector with angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{\alpha}$ $\ (\alpha\geq 1/2)$,that is,$\Omega=\{ |z|<1,\ 0<\arg z<\frac{\pi}{\alpha},\ \alpha\geq 1/2\}$. Its boundary $\partial \Omega=[0, 1]\cup \Gamma\cup [\varpi,0]$ is oriented counter-clockwise,where $0,\ 1,\ \varpi=e^{i\theta}$ are three corner points and the oriented circular arc $\Gamma$ is given by $ \Gamma:\ \tau\longmapsto e^{i \tau},\ \ \tau\in\left[0,\ \frac{\pi}{\alpha}\right].$
Lemma 1.1 (see [9]) The Schwarz problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation in $\Omega$
for $\ f\in L_p(\Omega;\mathbb{C}),\ p>2,\ \ \gamma\in C(\partial \Omega;\mathbb{R})$,is uniquely solvable by
and a poly-Schwarz operator for $\Omega$ is
Then we have the following result.
Lemma 2.1 For $\gamma_0,\gamma_1,\cdots,\gamma_{n-1}\in C(\partial\Omega,\mbox{ R})$,then
Proof For $k=0,1,2,\cdots,n-1$,by (2.2),
Then we have
where $H(z,\zeta)$ is given by (2.1). From the proof in [9],
Obviously,by (2.3),the second equation in Lemma 2.1 is also true.
On the other hand,we define a Pompeiu operator as follows
with $f\in L_p(\Omega;C),\ p>2$,and
Lemma 2.2 For $f\in L_p(\Omega;C),\ p>2$,
Proof Since for $l=1,2,\cdots,n,$
then by $\displaystyle\frac{\partial T_1[(\zeta+\overline{\zeta})^kf](z)}{\partial\overline{z}}=(z+\overline{z})^kf(z)$,we obtain
Therefore,$\displaystyle\frac{\partial^nT_n[f](z)}{\partial\overline{z}^n}=\displaystyle\frac{\partial T_1[f](z)}{\partial\overline {z}}=f(z)$. What's more,from (2.6),
By the result in [9],$\mbox{ Re}\{T_1[(\zeta+\overline{\zeta})^kf]\}^+(t)=0,\ \ t\in\partial\Omega$,thus for $t\in\partial\Omega,$ $\{\mbox{ Re}T_n[f]\}^+(t)=0.$
Theorem 2.1 The Schwarz problem for polyanalytic equation in $\Omega$,
is solvable by
where $c_k\in \mbox{ R}$,$S_n,\ T_n$ are given by (2.2) and (2.4),respectively.
Proof Let
Obviously,from Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2,we know $w_0$ satisfies the boundary condition (2.7). We write the solution $w(z)$ as
From the first equation and [1],the polyanalytic function $U(z)$ in $\Omega$ can be expressed as
where $f_k$ are analytic functions. Putting (2.8) into the second equation,we get $\{\mbox{ Re}f_k\}^+(t)=0,$ $ t\in \partial\Omega$. Thus,by Lemma 1.1,$f_k(z)=ic_k$ with $c_k$ being real numbers.Then we complete the proof.