For a group $\pi $, Turaev [12] introduced the notion of a braided $\pi $-monoidal category, here called Turaev braided $\pi$-category, and showed that such a category gives rise to a $3$-dimensional homotopy quantum field theory. Kirillov [5] found that such Turaev braided $\pi $-categories also provide a suitable mathematical tool to describe the orbifold models which arise in the study of conformal field theories. Virelizier [15] used Turaev braided $\pi$-category to construct Hennings-type invariants of flat $\pi $-bundles over complements of links in the $3$-sphere. We note that a Turaev braided $\pi$-category is a braided monoidal category when $\pi $ is trivial.
Starting from the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules, Panaite and Staic [6] constructed a Turaev braided category over certain group $\pi$, generalizing the work of [7]. Turaev braided $\pi$-categories were further investigated by Panaite and Staic in [6], by Zunino [17]. In the present paper, let $G$ be the semi-direct product of the opposite group $\pi ^{op}$ of a group $\pi $ by $\pi$ and $A$ an $H$-bicomodule algebra. We first introduce a class of new categories ${} _{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}_{G}$ as a disjoint union of family of categories $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$. Then we mainly show that the category $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ forms a braided $T$-category, generalizing the main constructions by Panaite and Staic [6]. Finally, when $H$ is finite-dimensional we construct a quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$, such that $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ is isomorphic to the representation category of the quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 3, let $G$ be the semi-direct product of the opposite group $\pi ^{op}$ of a group $\pi $ by $\pi$ and $A$ an $H$-bicomodule algebra, we first introduce a class of new categories ${} _{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}_{G}$ as a disjoint union of family of categories $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ and give necessary and sufficient conditions making ${} _{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}_{G}$ into a braided $T$-category.
In Section 4, when $H$ is finite-dimensional, as an appliction, we construct a quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$, such that $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ is isomorphic to the representation category of the quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$.
Throughout the paper, we let $\mathbb{k}$ be a fixed field and denote by $\otimes $ the the tensor product over $\mathbb{k}$. For the comultiplication $\Delta $ in a coalgebra $C$, we use the Sweedler-Heyneman's notation [12]:
for any $c\in C$. For a left $C$-comodule $(M, \rho ^l)$ and a right $C$-comodule $(N, \rho ^r)$, we write
respectively, for all $m\in M$ and $n\in N$. For a Hopf algebra $A$, we always denote by $Aut(A)$ the group of Hopf automorphisms of $A$.
Let $\pi $ be a group with the unit $e$. We recall that a Turaev $\pi $-category (see [12]) is a monoidal category ${\cal C}$ which consists of the following data.
A family of subcategories $\{{\cal C}_{\alpha }\}_{\alpha \in \pi }$ such that ${\cal C}$ is a disjoint union of this family and such that $U\otimes V\in {\cal C}_{\alpha \beta }$, for any $\alpha, \beta \in \pi $, if the $U\in {\cal C}_{\alpha }$ and $V\in {\cal C}_{\beta }$. Here the subcategory ${\cal C}_{\alpha }$ is called the $\alpha $th component of ${\cal C}$.
A group homomorphism $\varphi : \pi \to {\rm{aut}}({\cal C}), \beta \mapsto \varphi _{\beta }$, the conjugation, (where aut $({\cal C})$ is the group of invertible strict tensor functors from ${\cal C}$ to itself) such that $\varphi _{\beta }({\cal C}_{\alpha })={\cal C}_{\beta \alpha \beta ^{-1}}$ for any $\alpha, \beta \in \pi $. Here the functors $\varphi _{\beta }$ are called conjugation isomorphisms.
We will use the left index notation in [12] or [17]: given $\beta \in G$ and an object $V\in {\cal C}_{\beta }$, the functor $\varphi _{\beta }$ will be denoted by ${}^V( \cdot )$ or ${}^{\beta }( \cdot )$. We use the notation ${}^\bar V( \cdot )$ for ${}^{\beta ^{-1}} ( \cdot )$. Then we have ${}^V id_U=id_{^{ V } U}$ and ${}^V(g\circ f)={}^Vg\circ {}^Vf$. We remark that since the conjugation $\varphi : G \to {\rm{aut}}({\cal C})$ is a group homomorphism, for any $V, W\in {\cal C}$, we have ${}^{V\otimes W}( \cdot ) ={}^V({}^W( \cdot ))$ and ${}^1( \cdot )={}^V({}^\bar V( \cdot )) ={}^\bar V({}^V( \cdot ))=id_{\cal C}$ and that since, for any $V\in {\cal C}$, the functor ${}^V( \cdot )$ is strict, we have ${}^V(f\otimes g)={}^Vf\otimes {}^Vg$, for any morphism $f$ and $g$ in ${\cal C}$, and ${}^V1=1$. And we will use ${\cal C}(U, V)$ for the set of morphisms (or arrows) from $U$ to $V$ in ${\cal C }$.
Recall from [12] that a braided crossed category is a crossed category ${\cal C}$ endowed with a braiding, i.e., with a family of isomorphisms
satisfying the following conditions:
In this paper, we use terminology as in Zunino [17]; for the subject of Turaev categories, see also the original paper of Turaev [12]. If ${\cal C}$ is a braided crossed category then we call ${\cal C}$ a braided $T$-category.
Let $\pi $ be a group with unit $e$. Recall from Turaev [12] that a $\pi $-coalgebra is a family of $k$-spaces $C=\{C_{\alpha }\}_{\alpha \in \pi }$ together with a family of $k$-linear maps $\Delta =\{\Delta _{\alpha, \beta}: C_{\alpha \beta}\longrightarrow C_{\alpha }\otimes C_{\beta }\}_{\alpha, \beta\in \pi }$ (called the comultiplication) and a $k$-linear map $\varepsilon : C_e\longrightarrow \mathbb{k}$ (called the counit), such that $\Delta $ is coassociative in the sense that,
We use the Sweedler-like notation (see [14]) for a comultiplication in the following way: for any $\alpha, \beta \in \pi $ and $c\in C_{\alpha \beta }$, we write $ \Delta _{\alpha, \beta }(c)=c_{(1, \alpha )}\otimes c_{(2, \beta )}. $
A $T-coalgebra$ is a $\pi $-coalgebra $H=(\{H_{\alpha }\}, \Delta, \varepsilon )$ together with a family of $k$-linear maps $S=\{S_{\alpha }: H_{\alpha }\longrightarrow H_{\alpha ^{-1}}\}_{\alpha \in \pi }$ (called the antipode), and a family of algebra isomorphisms $\varphi =\{\varphi _{\beta }: H_{\alpha } \to H_{\beta \alpha \beta ^{-1}}\}_{\alpha, \beta \in \pi}$ (called the crossing) such that
Let $G, L$ be two groups and $G$ act on the left the group $L$ by automorphisms. Then $L\times G$ is a group with the multiplication
which is called a semi-direct product of $L$ by $G$ and denoted by $L\ltimes G$. A group $\pi $ is a semi-direct product of $L$ by $G$ if and only if $L$ is a normal subgroup of $\pi $, $G$ is a subgroup of $\pi $, $L\cap G=1$, and $\pi =LG$ (see [16]).
Let $\pi $ be a group and let $L=\pi ^{op}$, the opposite group of a group $\pi $. Consider the adjoint action of $\pi $ on $L$ by defining: $\gamma \rhd \alpha =\gamma \alpha \gamma ^{-1}$ for all $\alpha, \gamma \in \pi $. Then we have the semi-direct product $\pi ^{op}\ltimes \pi $. The opposite group $(\pi ^{op}\ltimes \pi )^{op}$ of the group $\pi ^{op}\ltimes \pi $ is denoted by $G$ with the multiplication, for all $\alpha, \beta, \lambda, \gamma \in \pi $:
which was called a twisted semi-direct square of group $\pi $ (see [16]). Moreover $\pi $ is a subgroup of $G$ and $(\alpha, \beta )^{-1}=(\beta ^{-1}\alpha ^{-1}\beta, \beta ^{-1})$.
Definition 3.1 Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode $S$ and $\pi $ a group with the unit $e$. Let $A$ be an $H$-bicomodule algebra and $\zeta_{\alpha}, \zeta_\beta\in Aut(H)$. An $(\alpha, \beta )$-quantum Yetter-Drinfeld module is a vector space $M$, such that $M$ is a left $A$-module (with notation $a\otimes m\mapsto a\cdot m$) and right $H$-comodule (with notation $M\rightarrow M\otimes H, m\mapsto m_{(0)}\otimes m_{(1)} $) with the following compatibility condition:
for all $a\in A$ and $m\in M$. We denote by ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )$ the category of $(\alpha, \beta )$-quantum Yetter-Drinfeld module, morphisms being $A$-linear and $H$-colinear maps.
Remark 3.2 Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode $S$ and $\zeta_{\alpha}, \zeta_\beta\in Aut(H).$ Let $A$ be an $H$-bicomodule algebra. Then $A\otimes H$ is an object in ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )$ with the following structures:
for all $a, b\in A$ and $h\in H$. Furthermore, if $A$ and $H$ are bialgebras, then it is easy to check $\Bbbk$ is an object in ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )$ with structures: $ a\cdot x=\varepsilon _A(a)x$ and $\rho (x)=x\otimes 1_H$, for all $x\in \Bbbk$ if and only if the following condition holds:
for all $a\in A$.
Thus we have a Turaev $G$-category ${}_{A}{\cal YD}^H_{G}$ as a disjoint union of family of categories $\{{}_{H}{\cal YD}^H_{G}(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ over the family of the left-right $(\alpha, \beta)$-Yetter-Drinfeld modules, with $(\alpha, \beta )\in G$.
Example 3.3 (1) Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra with a bijective antipode and $\zeta : \pi \to Aut(H)$ a group homomorphism. Then category $ _{H}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ is actually the category of $(\alpha, \beta )$-Yetter-Drinfel'd modules studied in Panaite and Staic [6].
(2) For $\zeta_\alpha=\zeta_\beta=id_{H}$, we have $ _{H}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(id, id)={}_H{\cal YD}^H$, the usual quantum Yetter-Drinfel'd module category in the sense of Caenepeel et al. [2].
(3) For $\zeta_\alpha=S^2, \zeta_\beta=id_{H}$, the compatibility condition (2.1) becomes
hence $_{H}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(S^2, id)$ is the usual anti-quantum Yetter-Drinfeld module category in the sense of Caenepeel et al. [2].
The following notion is a generalization of one in Panaite and Staic in [6].
Proposition 3.4 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )$ and $N\in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta )$, then we have $M \otimes N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\delta \alpha \delta ^{-1}\gamma, \delta \beta)$ with structures:
if and only if the following condition holds:
Proof It is easy to see that $M\otimes N$ is a left $A$-module and $M\otimes N$ is a right $H$-comodule. We compute the compatibility condition:
and this shows that $M \otimes N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\delta \alpha \delta ^{-1}\gamma, \delta \beta)$.
Conversely, by Remark 3.2, since $A\otimes H\in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta )$, we let $m=1\otimes c$ and $n=1\otimes d$ for any $c, d\in H$ and easily get eq. (3.3).
The following proposition is straightforward.
Proposition 3.5 For any $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta )$ and $(\alpha, \beta )\in G$. Define ${}^{(\alpha, \beta)}N=N$ as vector space, with structures
Then we have that ${}^{(\alpha, \beta)}N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}((\alpha, \, \beta)\# (\gamma, \, \delta)\# (\alpha, \, \beta)^{-1})$ if and only if the following condition holds:
Furthermore, let $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and $(\mu, \nu)\in G$. Then we have
Proof We only show the first claim as follows.
By Remark 3.2, $A\otimes H\in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta )$ for any $(\gamma, \delta )\in G$. For any $d\in H$, then we have $ (a\blacklozenge (1\otimes d))_{[0]}\otimes (a\blacklozenge (1\otimes d))_{[1]} =a_{[0]}\blacklozenge (1\otimes d)_{[0]}$ $ \otimes \zeta_{\beta^{-1}\delta\beta}(a_{(-1)})(1\otimes d)_{[1]}\zeta_{\beta^{-1}\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}\gamma\delta^{-1}\beta}(S^{-1}(a_{(1)})), $ which implies eq. (3.4).
Conversely, one has
Now define a group homomorphism $\varphi : G \to Aut({}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G})$, $(\alpha, \beta )\mapsto \varphi _{(\alpha, \beta )}$, as
and the functor $\varphi _{(\alpha, \beta)}$ acts as identity on morphisms.
Consider now a map $\mathscr{Q}: \, \, H\otimes H\rightarrow A\otimes A$ with a twisted convolution inverse $\mathscr{R}$, that means that
for all $h, g\in H$. Sometimes, we write $\mathscr{Q}(h\otimes g):=\mathscr{Q}^1(h\otimes g)\otimes \mathscr{Q}^2(h\otimes g)$ for all $h, g\in H$.
For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$, $N\in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$ and $P \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\mu, \nu)$. Define a map as follows:
In what follows, our main aim is to give some necessary and sufficient conditions on $\mathscr{Q}$ such that the $c_{M, N}$ defines a braiding on ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$. For this, we will find conditions under which $c_{M, N}$ is both $A$-linear and $H$-colinear, and the following conditions hold:
Furthermore, if $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$, then we want to show the following:
holds, for any $(\mu, \nu)\in G$.
In order to approach to our main result we need some lemmas.
Lemma 3.6 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$. Then $c_{M, N}$ is $A$-linear if and only if the following condition is satisfied:
for all $a\in A$ and $c, d\in H$.
Proof If $c_{M, N}$ is $A$-linear then it is easy to get
Considering these equations and taking $M=N=A\otimes C$ and $m=1\otimes c$ and $n=1\otimes d$ for all $c, d\in H$. Then we can get eq. (3.9).
Conversely, by the above formulas it is easy to see that $c_{M, N}$ is $A$-linear.
Lemma 3.7 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$. Then $c_{M, N}$ is $H$-colinear if and only if the following condition is satisfied:
for all $c, d\in H$.
Proof If $c_{M, N}$ is $H$-colinear then we do the following calculations:
Now we let $M=N=A\otimes H$ and take $m=1\otimes c$ and $n=1\otimes d$ for all $c, d\in H$. Then we can get eq. (3.10).
Conversely, by the above formulas it is easy to see that $c_{M, N}$ is $H$-colinear.
Lemma 3.8 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$, $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$ and $P \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\mu, \nu)$. Then eq. (3.6) holds if and only if the following condition is satisfied, with $\mathscr{U}=\mathscr{Q}$:
for all $c, d, h\in H$.
Proof If eq. (3.6) holds. Then we compute as follows:
Take $M=N=P=A\otimes H$ and $m=1\otimes c$, and $n=1\otimes d$, and $p=1\otimes h$ for all $c, d, h\in H$. Then we obtain eq. (3.11).
Conversely, the proof is straightforward. We omit the details.
Lemma 3.9 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$, $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$ and $P \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\mu, \nu)$. Then eq. (3.7) holds if and only if the following condition is satisfied, with $\mathscr{U}=\mathscr{Q}$:
Proof If eq.(3.7) holds, then we have
Take $M=N=P=A\otimes H$ and $m=1\otimes c$, and $n=1\otimes d$, and $p=1\otimes h$ for all $c, d, h\in H$. Then we obtain eq. (3.12).
Conversely, it is straightforward.
Lemma 3.10 For any $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$, $N \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\gamma, \delta)$ and $P \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\mu, \nu)$. Then eq. (3.8) holds if and only if the following condition holds:
Proof Straightforward.
Therefore, we can summarize our results as follows.
Theorem 3.11 Let $A$ and $H$ be bialgebras and $\pi $ a group with the unit $e$. Let $\xi : \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(A)$ and $\zeta : \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(H)$ be group homomorphisms. Let $A$ be an $H$-bicomodule algebra and $\mathscr{Q}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A$ a twisted convolution invertible map. Then the family of maps given by eq. (3.5) defines a braiding on the category ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$ if and only if equations (3.2)-(3.4) and (3.9)-(3.13) are satisfied.
Definition 3.12 Let $A$ and $H$ be bialgebras and $\pi $ a group with the unit $e$. Let $\xi: \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(A)$ and $\zeta: \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(H)$ be group homomorphisms. Let $A$ be an $H$-bicomodule algebra. We say that a $G$-double structure is $(A, H )$ together with a linear map $\mathscr{Q}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A$ such that the following conditions hold:
(1) $\varepsilon _A(a)1_H=\varepsilon _A(a_{(0)})\zeta_\alpha(a_{(-1)})\zeta_\beta(S^{-1}(a_{(1)}));$
(2) $ a_{2(0)}\otimes a_{1(0)}\otimes \zeta_{\delta \beta}(a_{2(1)})\zeta_{\delta}(c)\zeta_{\delta\alpha}(S^{-1}(a_{2(-1)})) $$ \zeta_{\delta \alpha}(a_{1(1)}) \zeta_{\delta \alpha\delta^{-1}}(d) \zeta_{\delta \alpha\delta^{-1}\gamma}(S^{-1}(a_{1(-1)})))$$ =a_{(0)2}\otimes a_{(0)1} \otimes \zeta_{\delta\beta}(a_{(1)})\zeta_{\delta}(c)\zeta_{\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}}(d)\zeta_{\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}\gamma}(S^{-1}(a_{-1}));$
(3) $ \xi _{\alpha^{-1}\beta}(a)_{(0)}\otimes \zeta _{\beta^{-1}\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}}( \zeta _{\delta}(\xi _{\alpha^{-1}\beta}(a)_{(-1)}) c\zeta_{\gamma} (S^{-1}(\xi _{\alpha^{-1}\beta}(a)_{(-1)}))) $ $ = \xi _{\alpha^{-1}\beta }(a_{(0)})\otimes \zeta_{\beta^{-1}\delta\beta}(a_{(-1)}) \xi _{\beta^{-1}\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}}(c)\zeta_{\beta^{-1}\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}\gamma\delta^{-1}\beta}(S^{-1}(a_{(1)})); $
(4) $\mathscr{Q}(\zeta_{\delta}(a_{1(-1)})d\zeta_{\gamma}(S^{-1}(a_{1(1)}))\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(\zeta_{\beta}(a_{2(-1)})c\zeta_{\alpha}(S^{-1}(a_{2(1)}))) (a_{1(0)}\otimes a_{2(0)})$$=[(\xi _{\alpha^{-1}\beta} \otimes 1)\Delta ^{cop}(a)]\mathscr{Q} (d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c)); $
(5) $ \mathscr{Q}(d_1\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_1)) \otimes \zeta _{\delta }(c_2)\zeta _{\delta \alpha \delta^{-1}}(d_2)=\mathscr{Q}^1(d_2\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_2))_{(0)}\otimes \mathscr{Q}^2(d_2\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_2))_{(0)}$ $ \otimes \zeta _{\delta \alpha \delta^{-1}}(\zeta_{\delta} (\mathscr{Q}^1(d_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_{2}))_{(-1)})d_{1}\zeta_{\gamma}(S^{-1}(\mathscr{Q}^1(d_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_{2}))_{(1)})))$ $ \otimes \zeta _{\delta\alpha\delta^{-1}\gamma\alpha^{-1}}(\zeta_{\alpha} (\mathscr{Q}^2(d_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_{2}))_{(-1)})c_{1}\zeta_{\alpha}(S^{-1}(\mathscr{Q}^2(d_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_{2}))_{(1)})));$
(6) $ (id\otimes \Delta^{cop})\mathscr{Q}(h\otimes \zeta _{\gamma^{-1}}(\zeta _{\delta \alpha^{-1}} (c)d))=[(\xi _{\gamma ^{-1} \delta } \otimes 1)\mathscr{U}( \zeta_{\delta^{-1}\nu \delta}(\mathscr{Q}^1(h_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\gamma^{-1}} (d))_{(-1)}) $ $ h_{1} \zeta_{\delta^{-1}\nu \gamma \nu ^{-1}\mu \gamma ^{-1}\delta}(S^{-1}(\mathscr{Q}^1(h_{2}\otimes \zeta _{\gamma^{-1}} (d))_{(1)}))\otimes \zeta _{\alpha ^{-1}}(c))]$ $ (\mathscr{Q}^1(p_{(1)2}\otimes \zeta _{\gamma^{-1}} (d))_{(0)}\otimes 1)\otimes \mathscr{Q}^2(p_{(1)2}\otimes \zeta _{\gamma^{-1}} (d));$
(7) $ (\Delta^{cop}\otimes id)\mathscr{Q}(\zeta _{\mu }(d \zeta_{\gamma \mu ^{-1}}(e))) \otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c) = \mathscr{Q}^1(d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c_{2}))\otimes \mathscr{U}(h\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}} $ $ (\mathscr{Q}^2(d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}} (\zeta_{\beta} (\mathscr{Q}^2(d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}} (c))_{(-1)}) m_{(1)1}\zeta_{\alpha}(S^{-1}$ $ (\mathscr{Q}^2(d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}} (c))_{(1)}) )))) (1\otimes \mathscr{Q}^2(d\otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}} (m_{(1)}))_{(0)}\cdot m_{(0)});$
(8) $ (\xi _{\mu^{-1}\nu} \otimes \xi _{\mu^{-1}\nu }) \mathscr{Q}(\zeta _{\nu ^{-1}\delta \mu \delta ^{-1}}(d) \otimes \zeta _{\nu ^{-1}\mu \alpha ^{-1}}(c))=\mathscr{Q}(d \otimes \zeta _{\alpha^{-1}}(c));$
(9) ${\mbox{There exists a map:}}\, \, \mathscr{R}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A\, \, \mbox{such that }$
$ \mathscr{Q}*\mathscr{R}(c\otimes d)=\mathscr{R}*\mathscr{Q}(c\otimes d)=\varepsilon(c)\varepsilon(d)1\otimes 1. $
Proposition 3.13 Let $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and assume that $M$ is finite-dimensional. Then
(1) If the following condition holds:
for all $a\in A$ and $h\in H$, then ${M^*}$ is an object in $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\beta^{-1}\alpha^{-1}\beta, \beta ^{-1})$, with the module action and comodule coaction as follows:
for $a\in A, f\in M^*$ and $m\in M$.
(2) The maps $b_{M}:k\rightarrow M\otimes {M^*}, \, \, b_{M}(1)=\sum_{i}e_{i}\otimes e^{i}$ (where $e_{i}$ and $e^{i}$ are dual bases in $M$ and ${M^*}$) and $d_{M}: M^{*}\otimes M \rightarrow k, \, \, d_{M}(f\otimes m)=f(m)$ are morphisms in ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$ and we have
Proof (1) For all $a\in A$ and $f\in M^*$, we compute
and as required.
(2) Straightforward.
Similarly, one has the following result.
Proposition 3.14 Let $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)$ and assume that $M$ is finite dimensional. Then
for all $a\in A$ and $h\in H$, then $^{*}M$ is an object in $M \in {}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}(\beta^{-1}\alpha^{-1}\beta, \beta ^{-1})$, with the module action and comodule coaction as follows:
(2) The maps $b_{M}:k\rightarrow ^{*}M\otimes M, \, \, b_{M}(1) =\sum\limits_{i}e^{i}\otimes e_{i}$ (where $e_{i}$ and $e^{i}$ are dual bases in $M$ and $^{*}M$) and $d_{M}:M\otimes {}^{*}M\rightarrow k, \, \, d_{M}(m\otimes f)=f(m)$ are morphisms in ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$ and we have
Now, we consider ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G;fd}$, the subcategory of ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$ consisting of finite dimensional objects, then by Proposition 3.13 and Proposition 3.14, we get
Theorem 3.15 If equations (3.14) and (3.15) hold then ${}_A{\cal{YD}}^{H}_{G;fd}$ is a braided $T$-category with left and right dualities being given as in Proposition 3.13 and Proposition 3.14, respectively.
In this section we construct a quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$, such that $\{{}_{A}\mathcal {YD}^{H}(\alpha, \beta)\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ is isomorphic to the representation category of the quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra $\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$.
Theorem 4.1 Let $G $ be a twisted semi-direct square group and $\mathscr{Q}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A$ a linear map. Let $\xi : \pi \to Aut(A)$ and $\zeta : \pi \to Aut(H)$ be group homomorphisms. Let $(A, H, \mathscr{Q})$ be a $G$-double structure and assume $H$ is finite-dimensional with a dual basis $(e_i)_i\in H$ and $(e^i)_i\in H^*$. Then $A\# H^*=\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ is a $T$-coalgebra with the following structures:
The multiplication $m_{(\alpha, \beta )}$ and the unit of $A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )$ are given, for any $a, b\in A$ and $h^*, g^*\in H^*$, by
The comultiplication and the counit of $ A\# H^*$ are given by
for all $a\in A$ and $h^*\in H^*$.
The antipode $S^{ A\# H^*}=\{S^{ A\# H^*}_{(\alpha, \beta )}: A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta ) \to A\# H^*((\alpha, \beta)^{-1})\}_{(\alpha, \beta)\in G}$ is given by
The crossing $\varphi =\{\varphi ^{(\gamma, \delta)}_{(\alpha, \beta )}: A\# H^*(\gamma, \delta ) \to A\# H^*((\alpha, \beta)\#(\gamma, \delta )\#(\alpha, \beta )^{-1})\}$ is defined by
Proof First, the multiplication is associative and the unit is $1_A\otimes \varepsilon _H$.
Second, it is straightforward to check that $\varphi $ satisfies equation (2.10), (2.11) and (2.12), i.e., the following conditions hold:
$\varphi $ is multiplicative, i.e., $\varphi _{(\alpha, \beta )}\circ \varphi _{(\gamma, \delta)}=\varphi _{(\alpha, \beta )\#(\gamma, \delta )}$, in particular $\varphi ^{(\gamma, \delta )}_{(e, e)}=id$.
$\varphi $ is compatible with $\Delta $, i.e.,
$\varphi $ is compatible with $\varepsilon $, i.e., $\varepsilon \circ \varphi ^{(e, e)}_{(\alpha, \beta )}=\varepsilon $ for any $(\alpha, \beta )\in G$.
Third, the coassociativity follows directly from the coassociativity of the comultiplication of $A$ and $H^*$ and the fact $\varphi _{(\alpha, \beta )}\circ \varphi _{(\gamma, \delta)}=\varphi _{(\alpha, \beta )\#(\gamma, \delta )}$. It is easy to check that $\varepsilon _{A\# H^*}$ is multiplicative.
Fourth, we show that $\Delta_{(\alpha, \beta), (\gamma, \delta)}$ is an algebra morphism, i.e., axiom (2.8) is satisfied. For any $a, b\in A$ and $h^*, g^*\in H^*$, we do calculations as follows:
Finally, for all $(\alpha, \beta)\in G$, we have to check axiom (2.9). We now prove one of them as follows:
and the other one can be verified in the similar way.
Theorem 4.2 Let $G $ be a twisted semi-direct square group and and $\mathscr{Q}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A$ a linear map. Let $\xi : \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(A)$ and $\zeta : \pi \to {\rm{Aut}}(H)$ be group homomorphisms. Let $(A, H, \mathscr{Q})$ be a $G$-double structure and $H$ a finite-dimensional with a dual basis $(e_i)_i\in H$ and $(e^i)_i\in H^*$. Then the category ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}$ is isomorphic to the category Rep $(A\# H^*)$ of representations of $A\# H^*$ as braided $T$-categories. Moreover, $A\# H^*=\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta ) \in G }$ is a quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra with the quasitriangular structure given by
for all $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta \in \pi$.
Proof Since $(A, H, \mathscr{Q})$ is a $G$-double structure we have the braided $T$-category ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$. The braiding on ${}_A{\cal {YD}}^{H}_{G}$ translates into a braiding on the category $Rep(A\# H^*)$ of representations of $A\# H^*$. But this means that $A\# H^*=\{ A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta )\}_{(\alpha, \beta )\in G}$ is a quasitriangular $T$-coalgebra. The invertible map $\mathscr{Q}: H\otimes H \to A\otimes A$ satisfying the conditions (4), (5), (6) and (7) in Definition 3.12 induces a map
Then $\widetilde{\mathscr{Q}}(1)$ is just the corresponding $R_{(\alpha, \beta), (\gamma, \delta )}\in A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta)\otimes A\# H^*(\gamma, \delta)$.
In this case, we have the braiding on the category $Rep(A\# H^*)$:
for any $M\in {}_{A\# H^*(\alpha, \beta)}{\mathscr M}$ and $N\in {}_{A\# H^*(\gamma, \delta )}{\mathscr M}$.