Recently, there was a more and more interest in the issue of risk models with dividend strategies. Obviously, dividend strategies can reflect the surplus cash flows more realistically in a insurance portfolio. The theories developed are very valuable in the devising and managing of products with dividends. In this paper, we discuss the dividend-penalty identity problem in a Markov risk model, which governed by a Markov arrival claim process and allows for claim sizes to be correlated with inter-claim times. The purpose of this paper is to show how the dividend penalty identity can be obtained by general solution of the integro-differential equation.
Suppose $\{Z_{n}; n\geq 0 \}$ is an irreducible discrete time Markov chain with state space $E=\{1,\cdot\cdot\cdot,m \}$ and transition matrix
Let $u$ be the initial capital, $c$ the premium rate, $X{_j}$ the size of the $j$th claim and $N(t)$ is the number of claims up to time $t$. $F(x)$ is the distribution of the claim $X{_j}$. The surplus process $\{R(t);t\geq 0 \}$ is defined as
Let $W_{i}$ denote the duration between the arrivals of the $(i-1)$th and the $i$th claim and $W_0=X_0=0$ a.s., then
The model is enriched by the payment of dividends to the share-holders of the company, and the surplus is modified accordingly. When the surplus exceeds a constant barrier $b\geq u$, dividends are paid continuously so that the surplus stays at the level $b$ until next claim occurs. Let $\{R_{b}(t);t\geq 0\}$ be the surplus process with initial surplus $u$ under the constant barrier above.
Define $T_b=$inf$\{t\geq 0:R_b(t)<0\}$ to be the time of ruin. Let $\delta >0$ be the force interest and $w(x,y)$, for $x,y\geq 0$, be non-negative valued of penalty function. Let $\mathbf{p} _{i}={\bf p}(\cdot | Z_{0}=i) $, define
to be the discounted penalty function (Gerber-Shiu function) at $T_b$ given that the initial surplus is $u$, given that the initial environment is $i$. Denote that when $b=\infty$,
that is the Gerber-Shiu function without dividend barrier.
The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function under the constant dividend barrier is associated with the discounted penalty function for the process without dividend strategy. Define $T=\inf\{t\geq 0: R(t)<0\}$ to be the time of ruin of the surplus process (1), and for $\delta\geq 0$,
to be the Gerber -Shiu discounted penalty function, given the initial surplus $u$ and the initial state $i$. We denote by $c$ the constant premium rate for the surplus process (1) without dividend strategy. Function $\phi_{i}(u)$ investigated in Albrecher and Boxma (2005), which satisfies the following integro-differential equation, for $i\in E$,
then an integro-differential equation in matrix form for $\vec{\Phi}(u)$ is given by
are $m\times m$ matrices, and $\vec{h}(u)$ is an m-dimensional vector which is given by
where $\vec{\mathbf{1} }=(1,\cdot\cdot\cdot,1)^{\top} $ is an $m$-dimensional column vector. The corresponding homogenous integro-differential equation of $(4)$ is
By Theorem 2.3.1 in Burton [2], we give the analytical expression for $\vec{\Phi}(u)$ in the following lemma.
Lemma 1 Let $\mathbf{v} (u)=(v_{i,j}(u))_{i,j=1}^{m}$ be the $m\times m$ matrix whose columns are particular solutions to (6) with $\mathbf{v} (0)=\mathbf{I} $, where $\mathbf{I}$ is the $m\times m$ identity matrix. The solutions to equation (4) is
where $\mathbf{v} (u)$, $\vec {\Phi}(0)$ was given by (3.6) and (4.4) in [7].
As for $\phi_{i}(u;b)$, by similar approach as in Liu et al. (2010), we can get the Gerber-Shiu function (3) under the constant dividend strategy, satisfying the following integro-differential equation
with boundary condition $\phi_i^{'}(b;b)=0$.
$dF_i(x)=f_i(x)dx$, then an integro-differential equation in matrix form for $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ is given by
with boundary condition
and $\vec{\mathbf{1} }=(1,\cdot\cdot\cdot,1)^{\top} $, $\vec{{\bf 0}}=(0,\cdot\cdot\cdot,0)^{\top} $ are $m\times 1$ vectors.
Again we apply Theorem 2.3.1 in Burton [2] to obtain the analytical expression for $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ as follows
Now restricting $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ in (4) to $0\leq u<b$, we have
then $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ in (7) can be rewritten as
where $\vec{k}(b)=\vec{\Phi}(0;b)-\vec{\Phi}(0)$.
This formula (8) is the so-called dividend-penalty identity for a general class of the Markov risk model. Note that in (8), the expected discounted penalty function $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ for the modified surplus processes with dividend strategy can be expressed as the summation of the expected discounted penalty function $\vec{\Phi}(u)$ for the corresponding process without dividend strategy applied and a vector which is the product of ${\bf v}(u)$, a matrix function of $u$, and $\vec{k}(b)$, a vector function of $b.$
When $m=1$, the model reduces to the classical compound Poisson risk model, the expected discounted penalty function $\vec{\Phi}(u;b)$ in (8) simplifies to
which is equation (5.1) in Lin et al. (2003). Here $\phi(u)$ ($m_{\infty}(u)$ in their paper) is the expected discounted penalty function under the classical risk process with premium rate c, and the function $v(u)$ satisfies reduced integro-differential equation (7) and the constant $k(b)$ is determined in their paper. We extend the results in [1] and show the this identity can be obtained by the general solution of the integro-differential equation.